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The Hollywood Reporter
Music Connection
The North County Times - San Diego
King Con
Scruffy O'Shea's
Marina Del Rey

The Players: King Con, vocals, harmonica,guitar; Leathan Lund, guitar; Billy Patten, bass; T.M. Burr, drums.

Material: The music that King Con plays is drunken frat house rock. This is a fun brand of music, but it's still fairly adolescent, especially in its humor, and can be downright insulting at times.

That is not to say it is all bad. Some of the songs were kind of fun, especially the witty one's like "Every Beaver Builds a Dam," and the song "Too Drunk to Fu.." is excellent. This band handles their music without making themselves out to be total morons and that is more than half the battle.

Musicianship: King Con is a great singer with a vibrant voice and good use of both guitar and harmonica. The riffs are generally pretty simple, but so are the songs, so that's alright. The rest of the band rocks at about the same pace. Leathan Lund is a good guitar player for King Con to bounce off. Holding the rhythm down is Billy Patten on bass and T.M. Burr on drums, both of whom are more than up to the task.

Performance: Most of the impact of this band comes in the performance. It is one thing to be a party rock band, it is quite another to have a person in a gorilla suit run around in the audience during your show. Both the hi-jinks of the band and the gorilla mascot were excellent and made the songs even funnier. The song intros by King Con kept up a stream of witty stories that most people can relate to.

This band scores very high on both energy, which they have in abundance, and chemistry, with all the players working as a unit at all times. By the end of the set several audience members, mostly shapely women, had joined the band onstage to help with percussion and general merriment. A good time was had by all.

Summary: If you are looking for art rock or alternative angst, do not show up at a King Con show. If you want to have a good time and be highly entertained, then by all means check them out. — Jon Pepper