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Outrageous, ribald, awesome, unbridled debauchery, drunken bar rock. All words that have become associated with KING CON. Call it what you will, but let's just say the dude kicks ass!

A Clown? Sure, by trade and design! But the real deal as well. Con has had the pleasure of playing with Jimmy Buffett, Noel Redding, John Hyatt, BTO, The Tubes, Slim Jim Phantom, Lee Rocker, Enuff Z' Nuff, and Sammy Hagar's Waboritas!

Con was also the winner of the Jimmy Buffett/Gibson "Domino College" guitar contest. An open cattle call guitar competition held in the greater Los Angeles area with Con walking away with the top prize!

In addition, dozens of indie movies have featured Con's music in such tasteless classics as "The Beast From Bray Road", and National Lampoon's "Dorm Daze 2".

King Con's music can be purchased or streamed at premiere accounts such as: PANDORA, SPOTIFY, AMAZON, JANGO, APPLE MUSIC, DEEZER, and countless other radio platforms.

But don't take our word for it. Come see the alcohol fueled comic repartee of King Con live and you will be initiated into our ever expanding crew of misfits; a permanent member of the ongoing party.

Are you ready to drink? Are you ready for,...KING CON?